
Simulation #1:“My Name is Jasper” Instructions

In this simulation, you will be observing an interaction between Jasper Collins and his mother. This interaction takes place at Jasper’s home, in his bedroom.

Look Around the Room
Click and hold your mouse while dragging left or right to look around Jasper’s room, then click on objects in his room to learn more about Jasper.

Impact Counter
Displays the impact of each interaction Jasper experiences. The impact counter responds
specifically to Jasper’s experiences related to his LGBTQIA+ identities—particularly when he
encounters anti-LGBTQIA+ microaggressions.

Anxiety Meter
Displays Jasper’s anxiety level throughout the simulation. The anxiety meter responds to all of
Jasper’s environments and encounters—related to his LGBTQIA+ identities, or any other
adverse or positive experiences.
