
Youth Perspective

Absolutely exhausted after today. I went to my grandma’s for an early thanksgiving. Got deadnamed multiple times. Wasn't very fun, but it’s fine…Still just not very affirming to hear my deadname. I'm just tired of hearing it. It's frustrating and feels like it just drains my energy.
Ohio Youth Age 17, they/them
This is an image of a notes app with type in it. It reads: 1:17 A character just got gay bashed and that's a fear I have everyday. It is really stressful to have a constant fear of being punched for who you are. 2:09 A school near me started doing some gender neutral bathroom. The comments on it were horrible. 5:48 My mom has been deadnaming me when h's mad at me I have no clue if she going it on purpose because of her medical issues but I don't like it. 11:45 The new campaign of DnD I'm watching has two characters who use they/them pronouns I'm so happy!

Ohio youth Age 21, they/them

I would probably have to say with my parents they still never use they them pronouns for me, even though I have a giant pin on the main bag that I take with me everywhere. That one really says they/them and I've come out to them and they they took it well, when I came out to them, but they've never use they/them pronouns with me. uhm. So like they still just use she her and I think it's just very frustrating and it just feels very invalidating. But it's also nerve wracking to try to bring it up again.
Ohio Youth Age 17, they/them
I'm hoping to ask for [a binder] from my aunt, who is incredibly supportive, for christmas. She's genuinely amazing and is the most supportive person out of anyone in my entire family. She got me a pronoun pin a few holidays back and is always making sure that I know I can come to her if I need to talk. Just thinking about it is nice, because it lets me know that an adult in my life is so supportive.
Ohio Youth Age 17, they/them
I’m on of the luckier queer kids. [school name] is very LGBT friendly. All of the staff use the student’s [sic] preferred name and pronouns, and even has gender neutral bathrooms.
Ohio Youth Age 15, she/her kind of just makes me think that like, even though I'm validated in a lot of different areas in my life, something as big as, like my family and people who are supposed to know me really well not validating that just kind of gets on my heartstrings a little bit and that's kind of recurring theme for the week, I guess.
Ohio Youth Age 23, they/them